Affiliate Disclosure is an independent website dedicated to providing honest reviews of dating sites and apps. We are not owned by any company or affiliated with any particular brand, but we may receive compensation from companies whose products we review on our site.

This means that when you click a link on and make a purchase at one of the websites linked in our content, we may be compensated for it – either through affiliate commissions or other forms of payment such as advertising fees paid directly to us by those third-party companies who provide services related to online dating (e.g., hosting providers). The amount received will never influence the content created for this website; all opinions expressed here are solely based upon personal experience and research conducted independently by members of our team without bias towards specific brands/products/services mentioned herein unless otherwise noted explicitly within said post(s).

Furthermore, while every effort has been made to ensure accuracy throughout this website’s contents, there is no guarantee that all information provided here is up-to-date nor error free due primarily in part because some details can change over time which could affect how they appear within certain posts published prior thereto (i.e., prices listed were accurate at the time article was written but might have since changed). As such readers should always double check before making decisions based off what they read here as well contact respective customer service teams if necessary so as not confirm facts about offers available elsewhere outside these pages first hand too just incase anything else has altered since then! Additionally please note: This disclosure page does NOT apply retroactively; only articles published after its creation date shall abide accordingly going forward into perpetuity until further notice given publicly via official announcement posted somewhere visible & accessible across this domain itself.

In conclusion: It’s important for visitors understand how money works behind scenes running digital properties like ours especially now more than ever considering vast majority internet users don’t realize even exists let alone know why it matters much less affects their experiences using web today whether knowingly aware doing so or unknowingly unaware still being impacted regardless same way nonetheless – bottom line though? Our goal remains helping people find best options out there help them succeed their romantic endeavors however possible yet also ensuring transparency along journey do accomplish task properly serve everyone involved fairly responsibly end result both parties benefit equally without anyone feeling taken advantage instead trusting process knowing full well intentions good ones ultimately working together create positive outcomes everybody wins situation win–win scenario beneficial results achieved overall outcome desired met expectations satisfied satisfactory manner desired!